Friday, June 4, 2010

Neophyte in Flight T-Shirt: NEW

This is the design for lovers who can't stop chasing ... heart (what did you think I was going to say?) ... and those who are new to playing the field. Follow your dream; chase the heart of the one you love. Wear this shirt!! Currently one size, (XL), one shirt color (White), and one ink color (black). For now, U&I needs to KISS: Keep It Simple, Scoob!! THIS SHIRT IS CALLED "NEOPHYTE." TO PURCHASE THIS SHIRT, GO HERE:


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What's an Media Enterprise Without A Logo

Now you can wear the logo of United and International (prominently and proudly, we hope). Inspired by the Ramones' classic, we invite you to check it out. Currently one size, XL, one shirt color (White) and one ink color (black). For now, U&I needs to KISS: Keep It Simple, Scully!! THIS SHIRT IS CALLED "CLASSIC U&I." TO PURCHASE THIS SHIRT, GO HERE:
